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Specialist: Administration & Transition Support

TH Rises

The Schools. The Background.​


The Travis Hill Schools provide students detained at the Orleans Justice Center (OJC) and the Juvenile Justice Intervention Center (JJIC) with a high-quality education, rooted in restorative, trauma-informed care, a curricular and instructional design that emphasizes relevance, meaning, and engagement, and an approach to learning-centered around relationships, trust, and mutual accountability. The Travis Hill Schools also provide significant transition support for students when they return home by offering support with school placement and retention, workforce development, and ongoing, day-to-day case management.

We are currently looking for a Specialist who will support critical administrative and student support services functions at our central office and the school campuses.

The Travis Hill Schools are run by BreakFree Education. BreakFree is a nonprofit organization devoted to improving schools in juvenile and criminal justice facilities across the nation. The first Travis School opened in August 2016 at the Youth Study Center (YSC), which was later named the Juvenile Justice Intervention Center (JJIC). In late August 2017, we opened the Travis Hill School at the Orleans Justice Center (OJC). Additional information about BreakFree and the Travis Hill Schools is available at our website, and


The School. The Opportunity​.


Approximately 40 students are detained at the JJIC on a daily basis. They range in age from 11 to 17 years old. All students attend our school located inside of the JJIC. Nearly 1,500 individuals are held at the OJC. We operate a full-time school for approximately 70 students between 17 and 21 years old. 

Nearly all of the students have faced school failure--many did not attend school regularly when they were younger, most have been suspended or expelled at some point, nearly all of them are far behind their peers academically, and 30-40% of them have special education needs. Despite this, they all have hopes and dreams, skills and talents, and family and friends who care for them.

Our mission at Travis Hill is to create a transformative learning environment where students held at the JJIC or OJC develop the academic and socio-emotional skills they need to become positive, contributing members of their community when they are released.



Position Description​


This position requires an individual with a range of skills, experiences, and flexibility. 


The Specialist: Administration and Transition Support Services plays a critical role in supporting the School by ensuring that a range of administrative and operational functions are handled efficiently, and with care and attention to detail--while supporting a range of human resource and operations functions. The Specialist will also manage critical communications functions (through our newsletters, social media, and our website). In addition, the Specialist will support our transition program by managing data input regarding student progress and staff engagement, supporting community outreach and events, and helping maintain our community office space.



Primary Responsibilities:


​Responsibilities include but are not limited to administration related duties: 


  • Coordinating general office communication systems including phone and email correspondence, incoming and outgoing mail, and incoming and outgoing faxes to assure timely, effective routing of accurate information.​

  • Assisting with payroll​

  • Assisting with credit card reconciliation​

  • Coordinating background checks for both campuses

  • Maintaining all office equipment and coordinating service and upkeep with key vendors 

  • Maintaining a well-organized and well-stocked inventory of office/school supplies, by developing efficient inventory control/ordering process

  • Assisting in  preparing invoices and purchase orders for payment

  • Supporting the work of Human Resources Manager and transition team and other staff on an as-needed basis


Responsibilities also include but are not limited to communication and social media management:


  • Coordinating with team members to draft and send a quarterly newsletter highlighting events at our campuses

  • Managing social media platforms

  • Updating and maintaining the Travis Hill NOLA website, including posting job positions and required regulatory and administrative updates 

  • Helping to create a positive environment and a culture of hope and high expectations for all

  • Helping and supporting all staff and students celebrations


Responsibilities also include but are not limited to transition support assistance duties:


  • Maintaining accurate and up-to-date documentation about student progress, using agreed to software and case management tools.

  • Taking on additional tasks and other requests as necessary

  • Working and communicating with community partners and stakeholders

  • Maintaining professional  boundaries and operating within Travis Hill School’s ethical guidelines


Desirable Qualifications and Experience


  • A bachelor’s degree or similar is required, coursework in accounting or finance strongly preferred

  • One or more years experience working in an education environment, preferably in a role that required technology and data system work as well as basic bookkeeping and operations work

  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills

  • Strong computer and office software skills (MS Word, Excel and/or Google Docs, Sheets, Forms, Airtable); familiarity with social media and communications software (including WIx, Mailchimp, and Hootsuite) and an interest in and the capacity to pick up software skills

  • Experience with basic accounting and payroll software

  • The ability to multi-task and manage multiple projects 

  • Embrace a school culture that requires all staff to work beyond the traditional school hours and school year in order to create an environment filled with hope and high expectations, where students will radically improve their academic, employment and social skills

  • Possess an unrelenting belief that all students can achieve and succeed


Salary and Benefits


BreakFree will be offering staff a competitive salary and benefits package. Salary for the Specialist  will be on par with similar school-based positions in the New Orleans area. BreakFree offers a 403b to all full-time staff and will match employee contributions up to 4% once staff has worked for one year. BreakFree offers health coverage for all full-time staff and will cover approximately 80% of the monthly premiums and 50% of dependents. 


The Specialist is a 12-month, full-time position.  In addition to school holidays and school closed days, the Specialist is eligible for an agreed to number of paid vacation days.




BreakFree is an equal opportunity employer. We believe that a diverse staff is a better staff. Women and persons of color are encouraged to apply to work with us


For additional information about BreakFree and the Travis Hill School,
please visit our website at


Effective: February 14, 2023

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