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Embracing Our Own: Statement in Response to Recent Calls to Address Juvenile Crime
In response to recent calls to address juvenile crime in New Orleans, the Travis Hill NOLA team issued this statement. "We want a vibrant city where all residents, regardless of their race, their neighborhood, or socioeconomic status have a meaningful chance to thrive, grow and be safe." Read More...
Real School, Real Students, Real Impact
Great teachers build strong relationships with students and work to know their unique personalities and experiences. "As educators, it’s our job to understand them," explain Byron Goodwin and Zelda Smith of the Travis Hill Schools. Read More...
Pop quiz: 10 questions for Orleans school superintendent
OPSB has also signed a contract with national nonprofit Center for Educational Excellence in Alternative Settings to manage the Travis Hill School, which serves high school-age students in the juvenile justice system. Read More...

So the experiment began. Could a violent adult jail contain an aspirational school? Every day, its students, all of whom are black, would ask themselves whether they were defined by their classroom or their cell. Read More...
Throw the Book at Them
A group of kids is told that “education is the door to their futures.” But these kids are in jail, facing adult sentences. Why learn algebra when you’re facing 25 years? Read more...
Travis 'Trumpet Black' Hill's legacy to live on at juvenile detention facility school named in his honor
“To all of the kids — in the words of my brother — attending this school: Just because you failed and made a mistake in your life or you had some bumps in the road, don’t let it sidetrack you,” said Leroy Hill, Hill’s older brother. Read more...
Trumpet Black's family celebrates a school for second chances
"What his life has demonstrated to us is going to give us hope for the future," Mayor Mitch Landrieu said of Trumpet Black. "He made some bad decisions ... (but) he found a pathway out."Read more...